A/D Blog

Our blog is an expression of our passion for dental care, and that passion is an extension of our love for people, smiles, stories and ideas. Please enjoy our mix of information and inspiration.

Surgically Clean Air at Our Dental Practice

Long before Covid-19, the Asheville Dental team prided itself on a longstanding commitment to patient and staff safety. Early in the 2020 coronavirus outbreak, we installed three medical-grade air purifiers from Surgically Clean Air.

pregnant couple

Your Pregnancy And Dental Health

When you’re pregnant, you have plenty of new responsibilities and countless appointments. If you’re thinking of crossing something off your long list, don’t let it be your dental exam. Having

bamboo toothbrushes in glass jar

Common Dental Questions Answered

Patients have dental questions that maybe they don’t want to ask in the office. They may feel nervous before their appointment or think their questions are silly. We want you

woman ice cream sore face

How to Soothe Sensitive Teeth

If you’ve experienced sharp pain when eating or drinking something cold or hot, you have sensitive teeth. And you’re not alone. A new survey of U.S. dental offices finds that

Girl with tattooed hand eating green apple by a window.

Best Foods for a Healthy Smile

Edited May 2020 When it comes to healthy teeth and gums, sugar wreaks havoc. Foods like candy and soda are major contributors to tooth decay. If your diet is comprised


5 Common Dental Problems

Not all common dental problems can be avoided completely, but with preventative measures, like good oral hygiene, you hopefully won’t have to suffer from them. If you want a healthy,