3D Printing + Dental Technology Is Here

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3D Printed Teeth draining after creation

3D Printing + Dental Technology Is Here

If 3D printing and dentistry sound like two things that don’t belong together, surprise! The technology is revolutionizing the dental industry. That’s why Asheville Dental is bringing patients efficient and economical dental care using 3D printing.

What is 3D Printing?

3D printing is an innovative technology where physical forms are created from digital files. It also is known as additive manufacturing because it adds layers to an object rather than subtracting them. For example, imagine designing and printing your own cell phone case at home.

Why Use 3D Printing in Dentistry?

In dentistry, a 3D printer has many uses. It creates surgical guides, night guards, and orthodontic retainers and aligners. Remember getting an impression of your teeth? There was the gooey, gunky stuff you sank your bite into?  No more. Now we scan your teeth while you sit in the dentist’s chair. That picture travels as a file to a 3D printer in our office which then prints the dental model.

What Does It Mean For You?

At Asheville Dental, we utilize 3D printing for surgical guides and teeth alignment. We make orthodontic aligners (braces) in-house. This method saves you time and money. We don’t need to send your impressions to an outside lab for production. Our own 3D printer makes them which enables us to produce them with greater accuracy in far less time. It eliminates the hefty expense of outsourcing the work. In most cases, we save patients nearly $1,000.

We provide patients affordable, efficient, and quality care. That’s what comes with being a pioneer in our profession. If you have questions about 3D printing in dentistry and/or think you’re a good candidate for orthodontic aligners, reach out to us via our website or by phone 828.277.5024.

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