It’s the second week in January. How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? Did you slip? Are you succeeding? Did you bother? According to a popular statistic, only 8% of people stick to their resolutions. Whether or not you’re in that elite eight, we put together five tips that you can try to achieve yearlong. They are healthy habits that do more than keep your smile bright.
#1 – Quit Smoking
No one is saying this is easy. That’s why it’s on the top ten list of New Year’s Resolutions. But now there is more support than ever to help you stop. From cessation groups to phone apps to online tools, there are more ways to connect with others and kick the habit. Your teeth, gums, lungs, and family will thank you.
#2 – Eat Healthy
A healthy diet isn’t just for your waistline. Eating foods high in calcium and rich in Vitamin C keep your mouth in tip top condition, as well. Cutting back on carbohydrates and refined sugars will lessen the chance of cavities and gingivitis.
#3 – Floss
Will this be the year you start flossing every day? If it’s not on your resolution’s list, reconsider. It’s quick and easy and it will make your next trip to the dentist more of a success. Your hygienist really will notice the difference!
#4 – Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Do you wake up in the morning with a headache or sore facial muscles? Maybe your jaw aches a bit? You might suffer from bruxism. It’s the term to describe when you grind or clench your teeth at night and it can keep you from sleeping well. Talk to your dentist about your symptoms.
#5 – See Your Dentist
Make sure you have at least two dental appointments on your calendar for 2018. (You knew it was going to be on our list!) Stay ahead of things like gum disease, tooth decay, and root canals with preventative visits six months apart.
We’re excited to continue our blog in 2018. Providing useful and practical information is one of our favorite ways to stay connected with current and new patients. Please feel free to call us with any questions you may have.
From all of us at Asheville Dental, Happy New Year!